How to create an effective skincare routine for dry skin

Thomas Jackson
10 min readJan 8, 2021

Dry and flaky skin. We often believe it is near impossible to solve, with most products just not doing enough. For some, their skin can control how they live their day to day lives. After suffering with both dry and oily skin myself, I understand the struggle. However, just like any problem, it can be solved if you find a combination of the right products and the right routine that work for you.

With dry skin, you have to consider external factors. How much sun you’re exposed to, genetics and any skin conditions. Diet does play a big part in the health of your skin. As long as you maintain a balanced diet, your skin will benefit from all the minerals and nutrients. Most importantly of course, hydration is a top priority when it comes to skin care. Try to aim for 2.7 litres of water a day if you are a woman, and 3.7 litres if you are a man. Food itself contains water as well, so do bear this in mind.

Always avoid products containing any type of fragrance. Although the scent may appeal to you, the ingredients they use are overly harsh on the skin. As a result they often cause irritation and can cost more than an effective product due to the added ingredient. So for the added expense it’s not worth it. You can find out if they add fragrance by looking at the products ingredients list either on the back of the packaging or online.

Often, people with eczema find themselves struggling daily with the issue of overly dry skin. A lot of the time, when suffering from severely dry skin, I would recommend visiting a doctor or dermatologist. They have access to creams and products specifically catered for skin conditions such as eczema.

Like with any routine, you should always begin by dampening your skin with lukewarm water. This benefits you when applying your facial cleanser allowing it to penetrate your pores. Definitely avoid bathing in hot water when suffering from dry skin. This is because any extreme temperatures will shock your skin causing even more dryness. Always bathe in lukewarm water. I know it’s annoying but it really does benefit your skin.

To make it simple, the products I’m going to talk about the following in this blog post:

· Facial cleanser

· Exfoliant

· Toner

· Serums

· Eye cream

· Moisturiser

· Sun screen

· Night routine

· Oils

As with any routine, if you wear makeup you should remove it before starting your routine. This is to ensure that the facial cleanser can penetrate deep into your pores. Especially for those with dry skin, I always recommend using oil based removers.

Wakeup wipes are often irritating for the skin. In part because people often drag the wipes across their skin and rub their skin excessively. This can cause inflammation and make your dry skin even more irritated. Makeup wipes often contain alcohol or some form of mentholated spirit. This can cause even more dryness.

Facial cleanser:

Always start with a facial cleanser. The purpose of a facial cleanser is that it removes excess dirt and oil from your pores. I know what you may be asking, why would you want to remove oils if you suffer from dry skin? Well, the oils you remove with a facial cleanser are replaced by the moisturiser.

The removal of dirt is essential because the build up of dirt contributes to the development of spots and acne. When looking for a suitable cleanser, always check the ingredients before you buy. It may seem complicated but you can find cleansers with more than one purpose. Many cleansers nowadays contain amazing ingredients that not only help fight against the build up of dirt but also leave the skin feeling firmer and brighter.

One thing to look out for is hyaluronic acid as its main purpose is to hydrate the skin. With any acidic ingredient in a cleanser you should try it out first as you could find that it causes slight irritation. The key ingredient to retaining moisture in the skin are ceramides. They hold together the skin cells in your face to create a barrier protecting against harmful pollutants and dirts. Lots of products will contain a ceramide as a base ingredient but just to be sure, check the label at the back of the packaging. After applying the facial cleanser to your skin, rinse your face with lukewarm water to remove the product. Avoid foaming facial cleansers as they tend to have an overly drying effect.


The next step is one is the most useful step for those suffering with dry and flaky skin — exfoliating. Not only do they remove dead skin cells but they also remove dirt and oils. They will leave your skin feeling smooth and,over time, blemish free. Another great benefit of exfoliators is that they increase the absorption of your other products and help to treat acne.

Many gentle exfoliants will state how often you should use them on the packaging, however I recommend no more than twice a week. This will ensure that you don’t damage your skin and leave your skin looking youthful for longer. Glycolic acid is a key ingredient to look out for in an exfoliant, especially for dry skin types. This is down to its water-attracting properties which ensure your skin retains its moisture.

Avoid using exfoliants like AHAs (alpha hydroxy acid). This is because chemical exfoliants are used to peel away the outer layer of your skin. The issue is that often, they leave your skin slightly red and irritated. This will only worsen the effects of your dry skin so try and stick to exfoliators like BHAs (beta hydroxy acid). They may still be too harsh for skin so try them out before incorporating them into your daily routine. Avoid exfoliators containing sharp beads as they cause micro tears in the skin.


The next step in your routine is your toner. As mentioned in my blog for oily skin, toners aren’t essential but do have many benefits for all skin types. Many toners can be used to add moisture back to your face after cleansing. The benefits also include balancing the PH of your skin and evening your skin tone.

Some ingredients to look out for in a toner for dry skin are glycerin, vitamin E and antioxidants such as green tea. They help soothe your skin and reduce irritation which could have been caused from the cleanser of the exfoliator. I would recommend a toner for anyone looking to take their routine that little bit further. Apply the toner evenly over your face and neck.


After your toner, you should apply a serum. A serum is a concentrated product full of nutrients. The benefits vary depending on which product you decide to purchase. As previously mentioned, you want to look out for hydrating ingredients. These include argan oil, ceramides, vitamin E and hyaluronic acid.

Any water based serums tend to be best as they tend to absorb into the skin with ease and add moisture back into the skin. Avoid any serums containing acids if you’re also using an exfoliant or cleanser that contains a form of acid. If you apply too many acidic ingredients to the skin, it can cause irritation so try not to go overboard when it comes to the powerful ingredients in case you damage your skin.

Eye creams:

Now you’re ready for your eye creams. Which eye cream you choose to use doesn’t really matter. Believe it or not, they all do the same thing. My recommendation would be to save some money and buy a cheaper, but still highly effective eye cream. Eye creams tend to be lighter in consistency and contain slightly gentler ingredients. This is to prevent any irritation in the sensitive area under the eye. Look for ingredients such as caffeine and green tea.

The under eye area may sometimes appear puffy or dark. The aim of an eye cream is to soothe the area and prevent wrinkles. The dark circles and puffiness are usually caused by your diet and a lack of sleep but can still be solved quite easily.


Now comes the most vital part of your skin routine, your moisturiser. This step will not only fight against the dry, flaky skin, it will also help prevent signs of ageing and add oils back into your skin. Moisturisers and their purposes can vary massively but finding the right one for you can be hard. The main ingredients in your moisturiser will usually help attract water to your skin and retain it. Ingredients such as glycerin and propylene are ones to look for when buying a moisturiser.

You should always avoid moisturisers contacting drying ingredients such as alcohol or methylated spirits. This is to ensure that your skin doesn’t become inflamed or irritated as this can cause the dryness to worsen. You should also look for a long lasting moisturiser that’s able to keep your skin supple all day. Apply your moisturiser evenly over your skin and neck. Don’t apply too much or you’ll leave your skin looking greasy as it won’t all absorb into your skin.

Sun screen:

Moving on to sunscreen. Most definitely an essential part of any skin care routine. Just as I mentioned in my blog for oily skin, you want to look for a lotion with a high SPF. This will allow for better protection against the UVA and UVB rays. I recommend using a factor 50SPF for the best coverage. You may also find that sun screens can add extra moisture to your skin. Sun screens can make your skin appear greasy when applied but they will gradually soak into your skin after application.

Chemical sunscreens are still highly effective but I personally opt for the mineral ones. They often contain less ingredients and are therefore less likely to cause any type of irritation or reactions. Sun screens are relatively cheap and can be found in practically any highstreet drugstore.

Night time routine:

In regards to the nighttime routine, I recommend applying all of the same products as the daytime routing without the exfoliator and sunscreen. You may also want to use a different serum or moisturiser.

The differences between a nighttime and daytime routine tend not to be major. You will find that people recommend that you use a different type of moisturiser. This is because they tend to be thicker and add even more moisture to your skin whilst you sleep. They can also help to repair your protective barrier if it’s been broken due to over exposure from the sun or the use of harsh products.

You can apply a serum in the morning and a different serum with your night time routine . This is if you have multiple issues you’re trying to fix. However, especially for those of you with dry skin, avoid using lots of products containing high concentrations of acid. I recommend using retinal as it helps to rejuvenate your skin and increases cell turnover. This will leave your skin feeling healthier in the long term. It’s a high concentration of vitamin A which is used to help diminish the appearance of blemishes.


I would personally avoid using any products designed to dry out your skin. These include spot treatments as they target a pimple and the purpose is to dry out the pimple. However with your skin already being dry, this could cause some slight discomfort. Using a facial oil will help to add moisture to your skin.

You don’t want your skin to appear greasy so avoid using too many oil based products or alternatively, use the oils in your night routine. Oils can also reduce scarring and redness in your skin. Always avoid using essential essences and oils such as tea tree oil. Often used to treat acne, they tend to be quite harsh on the skin. They can be used for their antibacterial properties but don’t lather onto your face expecting clear skin.

If you’re interested in seeing my top recommended products or more about the ingredients I recommend looking out for in your skin care products, check out my other blog posts on skin care. Feel free to contact me on my social media for more specific advice. Stay healthy, stay happy and most importantly, stay safe.

